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Twitch (service)

Twitch is an American video live-streaming service popular in video games, including broadcasts of esports competitions. It also offers music broadcasts, ... Twitch gameplay · · Justin Kan · Dan Clancy

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Your name, Your Twitch User Name, Login, Email address to send a response to, To change your email address, please update the email in your Twitch Settings.

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service Live 實況

Twitch 是全球首屈一指的影片平台與遊戲玩家社群。

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Terms of Service

The Twitch Services are not available to persons under the age of 13. If you are between the ages of 13 and the age of legal majority in your ... Community Guidelines · Terms of Sale · About · Press


透過下載、安裝或以其他方式使用Twitch 服務,您保證:您至少年滿13 歲,如果您的年齡介於13 歲和您所居住司法管轄區的法定成年年齡之間,則您的父母或法定 ...


Twitch is an interactive livestreaming service for content spanning gaming, entertainment, sports, music, and more. There's something for everyone on ...

Twitch:Live 實況

Twitch 是互動式實況串流服務,提供的內容涵蓋遊戲、娛樂、運動、音樂等等。每個人都能在Twitch 上找到喜歡的內容。